Samsung Omnia
Originally uploaded by Mobility Today
Check out the unboxing video of the European version--very interactive!
This photo, from Mobility Today's photostream on flickr, looks a lot like the box that my Samsung Omnia came in in Singapore (note that the box that the Omnia comes in for Europe is much wider and includes slightly different components. Could you believe that, aside from a getting-started booklet, no manual came with the box?
Good thing the manual is available online via here.
(Update 8/13/08): Can't find a whole lot of youtube video reviews of the Omnia in English(So far, most are in Spanish or Vietnamese it seems). See the unboxing video via pocketnowvideo below:
Other Omnia-related articles:
Android on the Samsung Omnia?
Preview: Pros and Cons Samsung Omnia
Best Online Resources for the Omnia
How To Use Front Camera
Omnia Wifi Problems
Increase Omnia Speaker Volume
Modaco Custom Firmware