UPDATE (11/12/09): Only 3 left!
I've got 5 clicker invites as a result of signing up. This free app allows users to find out (obviously) what' on online in terms of free television, film, and live shows. It's a great app for those wanting a easy-to-use method to keep up with their favorite shows.
From the Clicker beta team:
Today marks one month since we first opened up Clicker for testing. Tens of thousands of you have signed up for invites, and we've been spending our days and nights watching and listening to your feedback. We now have full launch within our sights! You can read about that and more on our blog: http://blog.clicker.com/It's not as comprehensive as Hulu but offers a widespread databases that reaches into several depositories such as CBS, NBC, and ABC. Email me here for a free invite!
As we gear up for a full launch, we're ready to start letting a bit more traffic onto the site. So, here are 5 invitations, bundled in one convenient link to distribute whomever and however you wish.