The last few days, as I've been anxiously awaiting the North American launch of Mario Kart Wii, I've been trolling around flickr for pictures of Wiis around the world. I turns outs EB Games Canada (at Richmond Centre) called but no one picked up. So this means I'll be picking up my mario kart (and wii wheel!) tomorrow.
I didn't bother to link to any of the original pages, but since they're all under the creative commons license I'll just assume it's alright to repost them (a simple search of "wii" and "setup" under the fickr tags will show most of these images below. Some have so many components (E.g. PS3, Xbox 360, Apple TV, Tivo, etc.) and others just look very cool. Here are some of the best, in no particular order--I've circled the wiis for convenience: