Sony Ericcsson C905 Phone

Perhaps the only true "Iphone Killer" to ever appear on the cell phone world stage, the C905 is replete with several capabilities that surpass Apple's offering. For one, the phone is a full-fledged 8-megapixel Cyber-shot camera (whereas the Iphone has only a 2MP camera). The photo functions include an actual xenon flash (not LED) and face-detection technology. It comes bundled with Wi-fi for web surfing (that makes use of the phone's internal gyroscope for landscape web-page viewing with a flick or the wrist) and true GPS technology enhanced with Google Maps. Oh and on top of that, it has a great form factor.
(Editor's note: I was all excited for the SE Xperia X1 until seeing this recently. And since I don't have an Iphone, I think this may the next phone for me)
Bacon Floss

When a toothpick just won't flick that piece of gunk from your gums, Bacon Floss might do the trick. The floss string releases small flavor "bombs" of freshly fried bacon. Yummy.
Icon A5 Mini-Plane

Priced at $139,000 USD, the Icon A5 is two-seater sport plane built for the common man. The plane is the perfect form of transportation for a close getaway destination. It folds up perfectly for towing, and uses both car and plane petrol. And for those who have little-to-no experience flying planes, the A5 comes complete with a menagerie of safety features, on top of already being "easy to fly". [Updated 10/29/08: Click here for a youtube video of the A5's first test flight.]
Hotel Tomo

Forget chic hotels designed by Versace or Six-Star hotels in Dubai. If the rise of cosplay cafes, manga, and nintendo/sony fanyboyism are any indication, Japan-esque hotels--with touch of Otaku playfulness--are now fashionably "in". Operated by Joie de Vivre Hotels Group in partnership with the Best Western hotel chain in Japantown, San Francisco, Tomo Hotel pleasantly breaks the mold of the boring hotel with drab colors. Each standard themed room at the Tomo Hotel has a very colorful anime mural on the wall, an ipod-ready alarm clock, a 26-inch LCD TV, and Japanese-inspired furniture by the "Ikea of Japan", Muji. Some of the finer gaming suites feature large sofas, giant projectors, and--of course--several gaming consoles with a nearly limitless library of games.
See Also
NY Times Travel Review of Tomo Hotel
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