Following in the footsteps of extraordinarily successful, Frasier, and Seinfeld, Weeds has now gotten rid of their theme song too. By losing a hallmark, they've gained an extra minute of broadcast time.
Too bad the producers, by virtue of moving the main characters of Weeds out of suburbia, decided to get rid of the original song by Malvina Reynolds in the fourth season (they didn't even add it to the finale!) There is only one slight connection with the "little boxes" theme left now, but it has nothing to do with neat, segregated lives of soccer moms, or newly developed "cookie cutter" neighbourhood developments. Indeed, Weeds has gone all out. Silas and Shane have grown and changed, and Nancy is a full-on trafficker. But, for all it "love-it-or-hate-it" allure Reynolds' song has added to the show, it sure has a cult following. For instance, those that arrive on my blog sometime are googling the very terms, "Weeds" and "Theme Song". And who could forget all the various musician who made covers for the song in the second season.
Regardless, here it is in all it's past glory. I sung an a capella version of the theme song and you can visit the link here.