From DrMontague (Thanks!):
I have found another fix for Hotspot Shield' which might work for you. Give it a try anyway
Install Hotspot Shield you should first get an 'Open File Security Warning'.
which asks 'do you want to run this file' click 'Run' and follow the normal installation procedure.
The green installation line will show how the installation is progressing.
When the green line has progressed approximately half way another 'Open File Security Warning'. will pop up
asking if you want to continue the instillation. This time Click NO. i.e. Do not continue installing program.
Hotspot Sheild will still continue to load the program but it will not load that piece of software that stops it connecting
to its website.
Tip if you do not get the second 'Open File Security Warning' prompt then download this free PC cleaner software.
Run the cleaner and registry cleaner.
Reinstall Hotspot Shield. Hopefully you should now get the second. 'Open File Security Warning' prompt.