Top 10 Best ‘Best of’ Lists of 2007

So the year is coming to an end. You know what that means!--Best of 2007 Lists! These are the top ten most interesting lists from the Culturite blog:

10. 100 Best Products of 2007 (because there can never be enough products, a list by PC World)
9. Most Hated Companies of 2007 (the most widely & heavily criticized, by BloggingStocks)
8. 25 Best Careers of 2007 (so choose wisely, my friends, by BizTech)
7. 30 Best Albums of 2007 (top rated by the critics and aggregated by Metacritic)
6. 50 Best Websites of 2007 (multiple categories list by Time & - oh look - who’s a top news site?)
5. 15 Best Candies of 2007 (delish sugar treats by CandyAddict)
4. 40 Best Raps of 2007 (top hip-hop tracks by CocaineBlunts)
3. Updates to the Master List of Online “Best of 2007″ Music Lists (LargeheartedBoy)
2. Master List of Online “Best of 2007″ Music Lists (a meta-music list by LargeheartedBoy)
1. Best of 2007 Lists (the definitive meta-list by Fimoculous)

And here a few honorable mentions:

Since I work in a call centre at the University of British Columbia--
2007 China Best Call Centre (the best operators ‘who will be with you shortly’ by CallCentres)
Because I love luxury--
Top 100 Luxury Blogs of 2007 (an elite assortment by International Listings)